The appeal issued from the 6th assembly of the GSM

The appeal issued from the 6th assembly of the GSM

2020-03-17 geosociety1996 1679 0 News

The appeal issued from the 6th assembly of the GSM

On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the establishment and development of the Geological Exploration Authority, the Government of Mongolia decided to establish a “National Geological Exploration Authority”. This greatly motivates us, the geologist, the frontmen of the country's development and the founders of the Industrial prosperity, to continue our activities on studying the subsoil of our country and exploring new mineral reserves.

We, the participants of this Assembly, appeal to our colleagues, to the professional associations and their management to collaborate effectively in the field of geological science;to unite our efforts and resources in solving the challenges and archiving our mutual goals.

The goals, objectives and activities of the GMS will be transparent and open to the sector’s professionals, workers and the public, and the society will be the voice that represents their core interests and aspirations.

We, the Mongolians, are strong when we are united, and whenwe are strong we are developing further. We, the geologists, are the leaders of the progressive development and the compass on the path to the future.

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